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Buckle Up Phone Down

Look who's taken the pledge...
  • Erin Schwengler
  • Beth Simon
  • Hello Name
  • Dean Glatt
  • six world
  • Adre Person
  • seven world
  • New Name
  • again world
  • eight world
  • Person Three
  • Name ToGo
  • nine world
  • Gwen Butler
  • Erin Shasdf
  • then world
  • asdf asdfasdfkj
  • hello world
  • asdfjjj asdkk
  • eelven world
  • weasdf asdfd
  • asdfa fdaf
  • asdff fadda
  • adf kkkk
  • asdfj; asdlkll
  • twevle world
  • now what
  • one world
  • two world
  • three world
  • four world
  • five world
  • Individual Test
  • NA
  • a new test

We challenge you, North Dakota!

The Buckle Up Phone Down (BUPD) challenge is simple: when you get into any vehicle, buckle up your safety belt and encourage others to do the same. If you are a driver, put the cell phone down. Every trip, every time! 

Why take the challenge? 
In North Dakota in 2022, 69% of motor vehicle fatalities were unbelted. In addition, distracted driving is one of the fastest growing safety issues on the roads today. Sending one text at 55 mph is like driving the length of a football field blindfolded.
How can you make an impact?
  1. Take the pledge. Put on your seat belt and put down your phone when you drive so that your body and your attention stay where they need to be. Or, if you're a passenger, encourage the person driving to wear their seat belt and put their phone down.
  2. Wear your seat belt. Every trip, every seat, every time.
  3. Put your phone down. Place your phone in your glove box, put it in the back seat, give it to your passenger or turn it off while driving. 
  4. Spread the word. Are you a business or organization? Introduce BUPD to your staff, enact policies that require drivers to wear their seat belts and drive distraction-free, and share the initiative through social media. 
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Nulla tincidunt luctus lorem, a faucibus arcu posuere ut. Praesent quis dignissim erat. Vivamus interdum elit scelerisque felis sodales, sit amet elementum ligula porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec quis orci eget nibh rutrum sodales vel scelerisque felis. Phasellus sit amet tellus gravida, posuere neque et, ornare justo. Nunc pharetra velit in aliquam congue. Donec suscipit nisi ullamcorper nibh eleifend sollicitudin. Nam nibh urna, pharetra ornare auctor sit amet, sagittis quis nulla.

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